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Fear And God's Voice
September 05, 2012

Fear And God's Voice

Fear promotes inaction. Why? Fear is the opposite of faith and is not part of the gospel. Fear is something Satan planted in our minds to derail faith. Faith and fear cannot coexist with each other, so when you are feeling fear you do not have faith.

What does it mean to be fearless in a gospel perspective? It doesn't mean that you have a sure knowledge of how things will turn out. Being fearless in a gospel perspective is to receive and recognize the promptings and impressions of the spirit and doing it regardless of the consequences.

To be fearless is to trust in God completely, that no matter what happens He will provide a way. Our perspective is extremely limited. We even fear death, when we should welcome it because death is part of the plan of happiness. Dying is not a tragedy. The real tragedy is not living a fulfilling life.

The scriptures say that there must be opposition in all things, and Satan provides that role. This opposition increases our agency. What happens is we receive an impression or prompting to do something, but then the opposition enters in through our thoughts. Satan bombards us with an assault of thoughts mostly fears and doubts as to why we shouldn't carry out the impression. He will use ridiculous reasons and sophisticated reasons to fill us with fear about the impression. Sometimes the fear comes in what will others think of me if I act on that impression. It doesn’t matter what others think about you.

Satan doesn't care what reason we choose to not act on the impression, he simply cares that we don't do it. It doesn't have to be anything big. The impression could be to pick up your socks, or help your wife clean the house.

Satan knows if you don't act on the small impressions, you won't act on the big ones. You lose great spiritual strength by not acting on the voice of God. When you act on the small impressions such as picking up your socks, God will trust you with the greater messages.

The key is to develop sensitive spirit so you receive the still small voice loud and clear. When the message is loud and clear, even though it is still and small it increases your agency because it makes it easier to act. If the voice is so faint and vague that you don’t recognize it, you will doubt it and may not do anything about it.

Sin desensitizes our soul and makes it hard to recognize the voice of God. Sin decreases our agency because the spirit does not abide in unholy temples. His voice will not be easy to hear.

By hearing and responding to the small impressions, with time you will become a powerful instrument in God's hands.

Satan feeds on fear. Fear has a snowball effect. Satan will supply you with every thought of fear that he can, until it overwhelms you. The key to overcome fear is with truth. If you are constantly filling your mind with the word of God, which is truth, fear will disappear and can be conquered completely depending on how often you ponder on His word.

What Are The Consequences of Fear?

Fear causes failure. Fear causes you to give up. Fear may cause you not to begin, or you may quit after you started thinking it is too hard.

Chapel Address and contact information: 7155 S 540 E Midvale, UT 84047; 801-562-8089. You can also call 801-259-6709 for the mission home in Midvale if you live in the area and want two young men or women to visit you.

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