The Story of Abraham Is An Example of Someone With A Pure Heart Where Nothing Could Destroy Him And Who Accomplished Impossible Things Because Of His Righteousness

Priesthood Power

Elder John H. Groberg

"When we are humble, clean, and pure of hand, heart and mind, nothing righteous is impossible. An ancient Oriental saying declares, "If a man lives a pure life, nothing can destroy him."

Blessings of A Pure Heart

  • See God
  • Become a Zion people
  • Become charitable
  • Be helped in your afflictions
  • God will plead your cause
  • To be free from sin and sinful desires
  • To inherit eternal life and endless happiness
  • To become holy
  • To have an unselfish concern for others
  • To have the strength of ten
  • The strength to withstand the evils of the world
  • To be without guile

We should care very much about the hardness or softness of our hearts. A hard heart is what causes most of the violence and divisiveness in our families and the world. A hard heart makes it difficult to love God and draw near to Him and to love our neighbor.

The secret to softening our hearts is the Holy Ghost who is a member of the Godhead. The gospel of Jesus Christ and His atonement will soften your heart. It is almost impossible to study the word of God and not be humbled and softened.Much is said in the church about Zion. A definition of Zion is the pure in heart. And it is a geographical place.

The gospel is a must to develop a pure heart.

The Story Of Abraham

I am currently reading a book that will easily make it on my top 10 most influential books ever read. It is about the story of Abraham. The book is called The Blessings of Abraham, Becoming A Zion People by E. Douglas Clark. Following is my notes from that book.

The story of Abraham is a story of a person with an incredibly pure heart. He yearned to bless others; in fact, he was consumed by it. His life was evidence of how close a mortal can truly become like Jesus Christ.

Abraham grew up under a wicked king who worshiped idols. His father had a high position under the king. Abraham's father was not a God fearing man. Righteousness was not passed down from his parents. Despite this, Abraham sought after God at a young age on his own.

Abraham was fearless is opposing evil. He was once put in charge of guarding the king's idol statues but he broke them all. Because of that the king decided to kill Abraham as a human sacrifice. He was protected in a miraculous manner by direct intervention from heaven.

The book says those who are pure in heart in the last days who are fearless in opposing evil and wickedness can expect the same protection. Abraham was not timid. He was outspoken concerning the evils of his day.

He must have had a lot of pressure to keep his mouth shut. His father was not a righteous person and who was loyal to a wicked king.

Abraham was not a person who cared about what others thought of him. He was only concerned about what Christ thought of him. He was only concerned about pleasing the Lord. Christ was only concerned about pleasing Heavenly Father.

Abraham drank deeply from the word of God which was a huge reason why he had a pure heart.

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